Umi Fahmida
- Country Lead – Indonesia
- Themeleads for Food system
Institution Affiliation
Dr. Ir. Umi Fahmida, MSc is academic staff at SEAMEO Regional Centre for Food and Nutrition (SEAMEO RECFON) at the Universitas Indonesia (UI) since 1997. She earned her Doctorate degree in Nutrition (2003) and MSc in Community Nutrition (1997) from SEAMEO-TROPMED RCCN Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia and her bachelor’s degree from Faculty of Agriculture Technology, Bogor Agriculture University (1995). She won the GTZ Fellowship Awards for both her Master’s and Doctorate studies.
Her research interest is in infant/child growth and development – in relation to micronutrient and care-related aspects (in particular feeding care and psychosocial care) – and food methodologies and applications particularly on linear/goal programming to develop/evaluate food-based dietary guidelines; food security.
Research Role
Conducting research in Indonesia, project implementation, annual plans and budgets, overseeing the quality of reporting as well as representing the project before host governments, donors and project stakeholders.