Action Against Stunting Hub

We are committed to working across different disciplines to fight against stunting.

About the Project

Progress against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to reduce child
stunting by 40 per cent by 2030 has stalled. To accelerate gains and help millions
of children reach their potential there is an urgent need to better understand the
factors, synergies and relationships that cause stunting. This Hub will work
across disciplines and communities to build up a comprehensive research picture
of the ‘whole child approach’, enabling joined-up, child-centered interventions.

This study will be held in 2019-2024 in three countries: India, Indonesia*, Senegal; involving 17 partner organizations

*East Lombok is chosen to be the study location in Indonesia


To explicate the synergies, interactions and relative strengths and directionality between the drivers of stunting: physical (genetic, gut microbiome, parasites and pathogens), home (behavioral & environment), food system and education.

To use the above to create a new typology of stunting which identifies the scope for potential for change among populations of affected children.

To assess the impact of improving dietary quality during pregnancy using egg intervention on the epigenetic and stunting related outcomes in infants.

To develop a range of alternative interventions to interrupt the stunting cascade across three critical time periods during the first 1000 days (pregnancy, lactation and complementary feeding).

To deliver a decision-support tool which collates existing and new knowledge in order to better identify the impact of interventions.

About Us

action Against Stunting Hub Indonesia

Action Against Stunting Hub (AASH) Indonesia is an interdisciplinary research project coordinated by SEAMEO Regional Center for Food and Nutrition (RECFON) – Pusat Kajian Gizi Regional Universitas Indonesia (PKGR UI), led by Dr. Ir. Umi Fahmida, M.Sc.

Our Team

Indonesia Country Lead and Themelead for Food Systems

Indonesia Hub Manager and Food Safety

Themelead for Physical Component and Data Manager

Themelead for Education and Shared Values

Themeleads for Cognition

Our Partners


Our latest blog post about the project
